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The term “tea for two” was made just for you. You’d even be happy with going solo at teatime. You like curling up, kicking back and escaping into the flavor and aroma of a lovely hot tea. It’s just you and your tea. You use Red Diamond® Decaf Tea Bags because they give you that distinctly Red Diamond tea flavor without killing your chill attitude.

You know that “thing” everybody’s doing? You did it first. You influence influencers. You have over 500,000 followers yet follow no one. If somebody’s looking for the next big “thing,” chances are, you’ve found it, embraced it, and trademarked it. You drink Red Diamond® Espresso Roast for its stand-apart taste and aroma, because it’s made from high-grown beans that are just as rare as you.

Your body is your temple; you practice what you preach. Back and shoulder days are your favorites, until it’s arms and legs. Even just thinking about cardio gets your heart racing. Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Tai Chi…if it gets you fit, it fits your schedule. You drink Red Diamond® Green Tea, warm or iced – for a refreshing way to quench your thirst and jam-pack those antioxidants your body craves.

You have your ways. You enjoy the satisfaction of a well-planned day, every day. And, if it happens to ritualistically end with your favorite drink, that turns a great day into a great week. Even the simplest thing – a morning hug, a goodnight snack or a daily routine with your favorite drink, you choose Red Diamond® Sweet Tea Pints. The pure, crisp taste is perfectly balanced with just the right amount of sweet. And, its pint-sized portability is ready to go whenever you are.

So what if the Gen Whatevs don’t get you? Smartphones seem blah when you have a boss flip phone to show who’s really in charge. (Also, you, still use the term “boss.”) Paper beats PowerPoint. Newspapers instead of podcasts. It’s no wonder you appreciate real tea. You drink Red Diamond® Unsweet Tea. It’s tea that tastes like tea: just water and tea leaves. Nothing extra needed.

You are on a 24/7 mission; once you have a goal, you go get ‘er. Even the most mobile movers and shakiest shakers can’t keep up with you. You work hard. You play hard. You run on 100% pure ambition. You put pedal to the metal on high octane. You drink Red Diamond® Colombian by the 34.5 oz can – and always have a few on hand. You depend on that daily, even minutely, for a burst of delicious to get you from point A to point Infinity.

And, by outsider, we mean someone who’s outside. Where all the nature is. But “outsider” also means you do things your way. Your thinking cap is an actual hat. You also eat cheese puffs with chopsticks. You drink Red Diamond® Sumatra K-Cups because the taste of handpicked new-crop beans keeps you close to nature and the single-serve format lets you break from the crowd.

You know what you want and when you want it (and how you want it and where you want and why you want it too). There’s nothing quite as satisfying as checking off all those boxes on your to-do list. Except for maybe organizing your calendar. You drink Red Diamond® Unsweet Tea Pints. Unsweet because there’s no messing with the crisp, clean, natural tea taste. Pints because you’ve got places to be and things to do.

You’re not an overindulger. You have control. It’s more that, when you really like something, you can’t imagine the world without it. “Say when?” Yeah, right. “When” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary. That is, until you run out. Then it’s all “when can I get more?” You drink Red Diamond® Sugar-Free Tea Gallons. The crisp tea taste, the perfect balance of sweetness, and the kick of caffeine keep you wanting more.